Virginia's Only Standing Civil War Receiving Hospital
The Cemetery List—A through C

Squire Adams Co. E, 37th North Carolina DECEMBER 1862
S. Adkerson Co. M, 22nd North Carolina MAY 1864
Thomas J. Agee Co. C, 3rd Georgia JULY 1863
Samuel A. Aikens Co. B, 44th Georgia DECEMBER 1862
W. H. Albright Co. D, 5th North Carolina SEPTEMBER 1862
David Alderman Co. A, 8th Florida NOVEMBER 1862
John James Alexander
<known relative>
Co H. Cobb's Legion (GA) OCTOBER 1863
Joseph Allemong Cutshaw's APRIL 1864
E. A. Allen Lt., Co. E, 1st Texas JUNE 1864
James H. Allen Co. K, 30th North Carolina DECEMBER 1862
Yancey B. Allred Co. G, 26th North Carolina MARCH 1864
John S. Altman Co. E, 1st South Carlolina JUNE 1863
J. G. Anderson Sgt., Co. C, 18th Mississippi MAY 1864
John Anderson Co. J, Holcomb's Legion (SC) NOVEMBER 1862
Thomas S. Andrews Co. E, 28th North Carolina SEPTEMBER 1862
S. L. Angle Co. H, 16th North Carolina SEPTEMBER 1863
John Apple Co. A, 5th North Carolina JANUARY 1863
Jacob H. Armfield Co. A, 2nd North Carolina DECEMBER 1862
Andrew Arnold
<known relative>
Co. B, 51st Virginia SEPTEMBER 1863
W. J. Askew Co. A, 21st Mississippi MAY 1864
William Austin Co. G, 4th North Carolina MARCH 1863
Jacob Austin Co. G, 48th North Carolina Cavalry NOVEMBER 1862
Wm. Autry Co. A, 30th North Carolina DECEMBER 1862
George L. Aycock Sgt. Co. A, 8th Georgia JANUARY 1863
Alexander A. Bachlott
<known relatives>
Co. G, 26th Georgia AUGUST 1862
Edmund Baker Co. H, 21st North Carolina SEPTEMBER 1862
William H. Ballard Co. G, 21st Mississippi SEPTEMBER 1863
John E. Ballott Co. C, 7th North Carolina FEBRUARY 1863
Henry Barker Co. E, 10th Georgia FEBRUARY 1863
W. Bates Co. B, 57th Massachusetts JUNE 1864
Wm. Henry Batson
<known relative>
Co. G, 48th Alabama JUNE 1863
Jordan Beale Co. A, 41st Virginia FEBRUARY 1863
John W. Becker Co. G, 33rd North Carolina JANUARY 1863
A. H. Bedenfield Co. G, 43rd North Carolina NOVEMBER 1863
George P. Bell Co, G, 22nd Georgia JULY 1863
N. R. Bell Co. E, 26th North Carolina APRIL 1864
W. H. Benfield 48th North Carolina NOVEMBER 1862
John W. Bennett Co. C, 21st North Carolina SEPTEMBER 1862
R. S. Best Co. D, 3rd North Carolina JANUARY 1864
S. H. Best Co. K, 33rd North Carolina DECEMBER 1863
A. Biars Co. D, 25th Virginia MAY 1864
J. H. Bigham Co. A, 11th North Carolina NOVEMBER 1863
E. L. Bird Co. B, 7th Georgia Cavalry JUNE 1864
G. P. Bird Co. K, 11th North Carolina MAY 1864
Thomas Blackwell Co. G, 9th Virginia Cavalry MAY 1864
H. M. Blair Cpl., Co. I, 26th N. Carolina OCTOBER 1863
Angus B. Bledsoe Co. F, 13th Virginia JUNE 1864
H. P. Blizzard Co. D, 27th North Carolina NOVEMBER 1862
H. E. Bloxton Co. F, 9th Louisiana MAY 1862
F. D. Boatwright Co. C, 5th Florida DECEMBER 1862
Jesse D. Bogue Co. I, 15th North Carolina MARCH 1864
Ross V. Bolin
<known relatives>
Co. G, 5th South Carolina Vol. JANUARY 1863
David I. Bowen Co. B, 49th Georgia DECEMBER 1862
G. H. Bowling Co. G, 21st Mississippi JUNE 1864
J. M. Box Co. E, 60th Georgia DECEMBER 1863
Charles Brackman
<known relatives>
27th Virginia NOVEMBER 1862
Jos. Brady Co. I, 15th North Carolina NOVEMBER 1862
William B. Brawley Co. A, 57th North Carolina FEBRUARY 1863
A. C. Bringhurst Capt., Co. B, 9th Louisiana NOVEMBER 1863
J. T. Brinkley Co. E, 4th Georgia OCTOBER 1863
B. S. Britt Co. A, 46th North Carolina NOVEMBER 1863
William Britt Riley's Artillery JUNE 1863
-- Bromfield Lt., Co. I, 9th Louisiana APRIL 1862
L. P. Broughton Adjutant, 13th Alabama MAY 1864
A. P. Brown Co. F, 52nd North Carolina JANUARY 1864
F. P. Brown Co. D, 1st South Carolina APRIL 1864
M. Brown Co. F, 46th North Carolina OCTOBER 1863
M. G. Brown Co. G, 44th North Carolina FEBRUARY 1864
Wm. A. Brown Co. L, 15th Alabama AUGUST 1862
D. B. Browning Co. I, 21st Mississippi JUNE 1864
John T. Browning Co. C, 24th North Carolina NOVEMBER 1862
Thomas R. Bruce Co. K, 8th South Carolina JUNE 1863
J. Bruckhalter Co. I, 9th Louisiana APRIL 186
Isaac Bryant Co. A, 12th Georgia Infantry SEPTEMBER 1864
Langley Bryant III
<known relative>
Co. B, 5th Florida NOVEMBER 1862
Minus C. Burdett Co, B, 4th Texas AUGUST 1863
Joel T. Burdick
<known relative>
Co. F, 49th Pennsylvania MAY 1864
R. Burgess Co. H, 15th South Carolina MAY 1864
John Burns Co. E, 2nd S. Carolina Cavalry JANUARY 1863
Patrick Burns Sgt. Co. E, 1st Virginia Battalion JUNE 1863
Warwick Burns 18th Virginia Cavalry DECEMBER 1864
Jacob Burris
<known relative>
Co. A, 19th Indiana Infintry (Iron Brig.) MAY 1864
W. R. Burriss Sgt., Co. E, 5th S. Carolina MAY 1864
J. M. Busenbaum 37th Virginia AUGUST 1862
A. Buskirk Co. F, 140th New York JUNE 1864
James A. Calloway Co. G, 18th North Carolina OCTOBER 1862
H. B. Cannon Capt., Co. E, 24th Georgia MAY 1864
William M. Canter Co. G, 18th North Carolina AUGUST 1863
Stephen Cardwell Co, C, 60th Georgia NOVEMBER 1862
John B. Cavender Co. D, 33rd South Carolina OCTOBER 1862
David H. Carey Crenshaw's Artillery JULY 1863
LaFayette H. Carlton Sgt., Co. B, 44th Alabama FEBRUARY 1863
W. H. Carpenter Co. B, 28th North Carolina MAY 1864
James H. Carr Co. A, 36th Virginia AUGUST 1863
Thomas Carrol
<known relative>
Co. G, 5th South Carolina JANUARY 1865
James Carter Co. A, 42nd Virginia OCTOBER 1862
Landon P. Carter Co. A, 15th Virginia Cavalry SEPTEMBER 1864
William L. Carter Co. F, 13th Virginia NOVEMBER 1862
William R. Carter Col., 3rd Virginia Cavalry JULY 1864
H. B. Cartwright Co. F, 1st South Carolina MAY 1864
J. A. Case Co. C, 45th North Carolina JUNE 1864
James W. Cash Rockbridge Artillery (Va.) JANUARY 1863
R. W. Cates Co. E, 46th North Carolina NOVEMBER 1863
George Cavanaugh Co. A, 7th Georgia Cavalry JULY 1864
J. M. Chambers Co. F, 31st Georgia AUGUST 1862
William Chancey Co. H, 45th Georgia JULY 1864
Hope W. Chandler Co. F, Phi11ips' Legion DECEMBER 1862
Isaac Chancy
<known relative>
Co. G, 26th Georgia AUGUST 1863
William H. Chaney Co. A, 4th South Carolina Cav. JUNE 1864
Thomas Chapman 12th South Carolina JANUARY 1864
W. R. Chappell Co. K, 12th Alabama MARCH 1862
J. W. Cheeseman U.S. DATE UNKNOWN
George Cherry Sgt., Co. I, 15th N. Carolina MAY 1864
Wm. A. Childers Co. G, 25th North Carolina DECEMBER 1862
Joel Chitwood Co. B, 24th Virginia NOVEMBER 1862
Marion Church Co, C, 44th North Carolina SEPTEMBER 1863
J. A. Cison Co. E, 76th New York JUNE 1864
A. Clark Co. K, 2nd Wisconsin JULY 1864
Alexander E. Clarke Co. I, 53rd Georgia DECEMBER 1862
J. C. Coalter Co. B, 37th Virginia OCTOBER 1863
Colvin Cobb Co. B, 59th Georgia JUNE 1863
Jerome Cobble Co. F, 53rd North Carolina AUGUST 1863
Atlas Jones Cockran
<known relative>
Co. K, 34th North Carolina JANUARY 1864
W. R. Coker Co. H, 2nd Mississippi MAY 1864
J. T. Collier Co. E, 50th Georgia NOVEMBER 1862
Wiley Collins Co. E, 15th Alabama JUNE 1863
J. H. Conley Co. E, 16th Mississippi MARCH 1862
C. C. Connally U.S. DATE UNKNOWN
Anderson Cook
<known relative>
Co. H, 30th North Carolinn NOVEMBER 1863
John Cook Co. F. 33rd Virginia JUNE 1863
Joseph Cook Co. I, 53rd Georgia DECEMBER 1862
William Cooper
<known relative>
Cobb's Battery (GA)
Troup Artillery (GA)
N. Copeland Co. I, 2nd Louisiana NOVEMBER 1863
Daniel Corbett Co. I, 6th Louisiana MARCH 1864
J. F. Cornell Sgt., Co. B, 7th Georgia MARCH 1862
Miles F. Cornett Co. G, 14th Virginia Cavalry AUGUST 1863
Frederick Cottle Co. E, 30th North Carolina FEBRUARY 1863
W. M. Cowen Co. B, 8th Florida AUGUST 1862
Joel Cox Co. K, 53rd North Carolina MARCH 1864
Smith Cox Co. H, 13th Virginia MAY 1864
Theopelus Creekmore Co. C, 61st Virginia MARCH 1863
Robert L. Crenshaw Co. F, 2lst Mississippi AUGUST 1863
Jeremiah Cress Co. A, 52nd North Carolina NOVEMBER 1863
Rufus Criminger Co. A, 1st S. Carolina Cavalry AUGUST 1863
John W. Cross Co. G, 49th Georgia NOVEMBER 1862
Robert H. Cross Co. G, 41st Virginia NOVEMBER 1862
John Crossgrove
<known relative>
Co I. NY Vol. Cavalry JUNE 1864
J. Crouch Co. D, 9th Louisiana MAY 1862
W. C. Crumpton Co. E, 15th S.Carolina Cavalry JUNE 1864
W. S. Crumpton Co. E, 15th South Carolina MAY 1864
Daniel R. Culpeper
<known relative>
Co. A, 61st Virginia OCTOBER 1862
Ivy Cunningham Co. D, 27th North Carolina DECEMBER 1862
T. T. Currin Sgt., Co. F, 44th Virginia MAY 1864
James S. Curtis Co. I, 1st South Carolina DECEMBER 1862
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